5 Simple Ways In Which You Can Help Advance Gender Equality
International Women’s Day is held annually on 8th March to celebrate women’s social, economic, and political accomplishments. But it is also a day to campaign for further gender equality. Despite all that the movement has achieved so far, there is still such a long way to go. We need to continue to fight for gender equality for as long as women continue to be excluded from decision making, held back from power, and forced to bear the brunt of patriarchal norms that touch almost every aspect of our lives.
Female empowerment starts right in our own homes, workplaces and neighbourhoods, and it can be daunting to know where to start. So, here are 5 easy steps you can take to help overcome obstacles in your own day to day life:
1. Let your voice be heard
Social media is also a very powerful tool in getting your voice heard. In 2018, International Women’s Day was the largest event of the year on Facebook. Share your story on your social media and help keep the gender equality conversation going.The most important way to be an advocate is by speaking up. Too often women only speak to other women about this issue, and men speak about it too little. Start talking to men about women’s rights and gender equality to spread awareness and break down barriers.
2. Go for the promotion
Many women miss out on the best opportunities at work because they have lower self-confidence than their male colleagues and mistakenly believe they are underqualified. Meanwhile, men often go after promotions they are not qualified for. Take more chances and grab opportunities with both hands, because if you don’t ask you don’t get!

3. Go 50/50 on all house and care work
Did you know women carry out at least two and a half times more unpaid household and care work than men? Have a chat with the men in your family over splitting all unpaid work 50/50 so that everyone can thrive, rest, work and feel empowered.
4. Support one other
Spreading support and kindness could go a long way in boosting other women’s confidence and overcoming gender equality obstacles. You could back local female entrepreneurs, offer to help out a new mum in your office or simply tell your mum, daughter or sister how much you appreciate them.

It is critically important that we educate our children about women’s rights to empower young advocates and raise citizens who will shape a more equal society. We also need to raise girls’ aspirations and change how they imagine what they can be and can do. One simple way to do this is by ensuring young girls are exposed to empowering images and to positive female role models that expand their dreams.
You can discover more about International Women’s Day at https://www.internationalwomensday.com/About