Hilary Evans
Hilary wears our Cadogan blouse in White, £110, and Apsley trousers in Mulberry, £79 (above)
Tell me about your childhood?
I had an outdoorsy childhood with lots of adventures, and grew up in a home full of love and big ideas!
In a nutshell, what is Alzheimer’s Research UK?
Alzheimer’s Research UK is one of the UK’s leading medical research charities. Our mission is to deliver breakthroughs by funding and carrying out pioneering research, and we campaign and collaborate with governments, funders, industries and people affected by dementia to find effective treatments. As a charity, we rely on our supporters to raise funds to commit to research projects in the UK and across the globe. We also campaign to raise awareness of dementia and fight the stigma that is still associated with this disease.
Run us through your typical work day?
My days vary hugely, which I love. One day I might be in the office with my team planning and preparing new projects and the next I’ll be out at events speaking to our supporters, doing TV and media interviews about a campaign or research story, and then at a meeting or a dinner speaking to people about our work.
Tell me about your most memorable career high?
Being the Chief Executive of Alzheimer’s Research UK has been a career high from day one. It’s an organisation that is close to my heart and also one that is doing fantastic work to deliver breakthroughs in a disease that is the biggest societal health challenge we face.
Hilary wears our Cliveden dress in Navy, £198 (right)

What piece of career advice would you give your 20 year old self?
Have more confidence in yourself and what you can do!
What is your go-to workwear style?
If I’m spending the day in the office then I go for comfy dresses or wide-legged trousers and flowing tops. For days when I am in external meetings all day I usually opt for a smart dress – something that can go from formal meetings in the City to events in the evening.
Who is your style icon?
Michelle Obama. I love that her personality comes through in her style, from ball dresses to First Lady statement suits!
Tell me about your worst office fashion faux pas?
Probably the time my pencil skirt split in the office – by the end of the day I had a Liz Hurley-style safety pin style skirt (just not that glamorous!)
What keeps you busy when you’re not in the office?
My 18th month old son!
Hilary wears our Exeter dress in Plum, £179 (left)

Have you mastered a good work-life balance?
I think it’s about integrating both and trying to make sure that whatever I’m doing I’m giving it 100%. It’s important to make time for life outside work – for me that means time with my family.
What is your favourite Libby outfit at the moment?
I love my Libby Exeter dress! I also have my eye on the Apsley trousers which are a great cut.
Lastly, what is your key piece of advice for other women?
If you can, do something you love and believe in. Don’t put yourself under too much pressure and try not to worry what others think of you.
Hilary wears our Cadogan blouse in White, £110, and Apsley trousers in Mulberry, £79 (right)
Interview: Lilli Brant
Photographer: Mafalda Silva
Accessories: Hilary's own
Location: Sloane Square, London